Bender Robotics
Autonomous robot Advee
Producer: Bender Robotics, s.r.o.
Realization: 2010
Type: Autonomous technology
Range: Full design
SOUTĚŽ: POPAI Central Europe 2012
Autonomous robot Advee is able to move in the room avoiding collisions and to communicate with people at which it stops. It was designed in the collaboration with the Bender Robotics design team.
Location of camera, loudspeakers, movement sensors just as the whole body structure reflects the human anatomy. One of the design aims was to create the real robot which appearance would copy human body. Its market success is supported, beside the pleasant expression, also the ergonomic touchscreen location and the space for the advertisement materials print.
Since its birth Advee participated in various promo activities of the important companies like Mercedes, Microsoft, Tesco, O2 etc. It is utilised to similar purposes by universities, cities, regions and even Czech republik at presentations abroad. Advee became also, thanks its unique appearance reflecting its technological supremacy, the logo of the international fair Amper 2012, it appeared at the first pages of many specialised journals and newspapers. It was awarded at POPAI Central Europe in category "News and Advanced Technologies", and "Creativity Award".