Our offer

We help our clients to penetrate the markets abroad and to reach the rapid turnover increase.
Thanks to the former experience in the given industrial field we are able to influence positively the user friendliness, assembly and/or service time of the designed equipment. Also we are able to improve the warehouse logistics and the outsourcing procedures and distribution.
We have contributed in many cases to the savings of the production costs and hence created the space for the improved facilities of the production and to the utilization of the high quality materials without the growth of the selling price. Savings are leading also either to the increased profits or create the store for further innovations financing which helps to maintain the sustainable competitive advantage.
We collaborate with production companies at the product, machine and equipment design. Among further benefits there is the creation of sale/marketing strategy, access to new markets, competitiveness renewal, improved user friendliness, lower production costs, improved logistics, etc. Overall price of sold products developed in this way is higher then 80 mil. EUR.